Your pain is mine brother, it's never easy to see the first star in the horizon explode
But, remember in the dark desert place you are, that the first one is only one of many to be born
And even tho you’re clinging to the dust of a time that now is forever gone
You must not forget that the inhaling of the subject is infecting your soul
I’ve used thousands of pen stripes just to try to paint your picture by words
But there is only so much the might of the pen can achieve, at least that's what I've heard
Neither less I'll keep trying, because I know that in the end of the lane we search the same sun
So the pen keeps biting the paper until it's broken, fading and leaving this world
The twilight zone is nothing but a train station for a soon departure to the next destination
It's not a death sentence it's a mere footstep towards the minds rejuvenation
Get your act together and do what you'll have to do, we respect your integration
You know it's true
We are all here for you